Daniel Carter

Daniel Carter
FRH Manager
Posts : 744
Age : 27
Fixture #1
VENOM - Addicted to Skill
The Elders - Bella Ciao
Number Nine - Cosa Nostra
Lux Aeterna - FEAR

Fixture #2
Addicted to Skill - The Elders
VENOM - Number Nine
Bella Ciao - Lux Aeterna
Cosa Nostra - FEAR

Fixture #3
Number Nine - Addicted to Skill
Lux Aeterna - The Elders
Cosa Nostra - Bella Ciao

Fixture #4
Addicted to Skill - Lux Aeterna
Number Nine - FEAR
The Elders - Cosa Nostra
VENOM - Bella Ciao

Fixture #5
FEAR - Addicted to Skill
Cosa Nostra - Lux Aeterna
Bella Ciao - Number Nine
VENOM - The Elders

Fixture #6
Addicted to Skill - Cosa Nostra
FEAR - Bella Ciao
Lux Aeterna - VENOM
Number Nine - The Elders

Fixture #7
Bella Ciao - Addicted to Skill
VENOM - Cosa Nostra
The Elders - FEAR
Number Nine - Lux Aeterna